2022 Honda Accord Maintenance Schedule

Honda Accord

The Honda Accord is a reliable and high-quality vehicle that takes drivers all around Atlantic City, Egg Harbor, Galloway, NJ, and beyond. However, to remain in great shape, it needs regular care in the form of maintenance services.

Fortunately, our experts at Boardwalk Honda know all about the Honda Accord maintenance schedule. Below, we outline the services that your Honda will need during its lifespan and how you can tell when to take your ride in for routine maintenance.

Honda Accord Maintenance Minder

Your Honda Accord is built with an intelligent Maintenance Minderâ„¢ system. This system makes taking care of your sedan and knowing when to schedule certain services a no-brainer.

The Maintenance Minderâ„¢ serves as an alert system that lets you know when you need a particular service. It takes that guesswork out of maintenance and figuring out how many miles you have left until your next recommended services. The Maintenance Minderâ„¢ senses your driving habits, the conditions of the road, fluid levels, and more to provide the most up-to-date status of your Honda.

It will inform you when a service is coming, when it is due, and if it is past due. It also displays codes A, B, and one through seven.

Keep reading below to learn about these codes in detail and what they mean.

Main Maintenance Codes: A and B

Honda Accord When your Honda Accord needs service, your Maintenance Minderâ„¢ display will show you one of two main codes: A or B.

Code A is for engine-oil replacement, without oil-filter replacement. However, this code can appear alongside sub codes one through seven.

Code B, on the other hand, is for a more in-depth service. Alongside an oil change with oil filter replacement, a code B service requires a multi-point inspection. Some of the systems and parts that will be inspected during a code B service include:

  • Front and rear brakes
  • Suspension
  • Driveshaft
  • Fluids
  • Exhaust system

Just like code A, code B can also be paired with any number of sub-maintenance codes.

Maintenance Codes One Through Seven

Honda Accord The sub-maintenance codes appear when your Accord needs additional maintenance services outside an oil change or inspection. For instance, when your tires need to be rotated, the Maintenance Minderâ„¢ will display a code 1.

If a code 2 is displayed, then you’ll need to:

  • Replace the air cleaner element
  • Replace dust and pollen filter
  • Inspect the drive belt

A code 4 will also need more than one service, including a sparkplug replacement and valve-clearance inspection.

Here’s a breakdown of the other numerical codes and the services they represent…

  • Code 3: Transmission fluid replacement
  • Code 5: Engine coolant replacement
  • Code 7: Brake fluid replacement

Unlike codes A and B, these numerical sub codes don’t appear as often, as the services under these codes do not need to be completed as frequently.

Schedule Your Next Honda Accord Service With Us

Is your Maintenance Minder™ alerting you of an upcoming service? Why not head over to Boardwalk Honda to get it done? Our experienced staff takes care of Honda Accord drivers all over Atlantic City, Egg Harbor, and Galloway, New Jersey. We’re happy to be your go-to service center, too.

Call us or book a service through our online scheduler!

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